Selected papers for a special issue of The World Economy journal
AEEFI is pleased to announce that Ana Cuadros and Javier [...]
Deadline for early registration XX Conference on International Economics
We would like to remind the participants that the deadline for [...]
Special issues XX Conference on International Economics
The local committee of the XX CIE is glad to [...]
XX Conference on International Economics
The program overview and information about how to purchase tickets [...]
XX Conference on International Economics
The XX Conference on International Economics will take place in [...]
Special issue of The World Economy, XIX Conference on International Economics, Vila-Real, 28th and 29th June 2018.
Ana Cuadros and Javier Ordóñez (as guest editors of the journal The [...]
Testimonies from XV Workshop on Economic Integration
The Research Group on Economic Integration (INTECO) has organized the [...]
XX Conference on International Economics
The Spanish Association of International Economics and Finance (AEEFI) and [...]